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Ashley Chong

Location: Singapore


Passionate about all things fitness, Ashley dabbles in various routines including kettle bells, hiit workouts, battle ropes, yoga and cycling. She is also a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu brown belt at The Gentle Art Academy (Singapore's most competitive Brazilian Jiu Jitsu school) The Suples Bulgarian bag revolutionises the traditional workout routines for her. This single bag is able to combine the benefits of many workout systems, train strength, cardiovasuclar and muscle endurance whilst providing a full body conditioning. Training directly with Ivan Ivanov for her certifications; she is proud to co-lead the Suples Experience Centre in Singapore. Ashley was the owner of a sucessful lifestyle and f&b public relations and branding consultancy in Singapore, before venturing fulltime into the fitness domain. Today, she co-owns Singapore's most competitive BJJ school and is a mother to three kids.

Suples US Open Championship