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Suples MatShield is our brand-new patented system for the sanitary storage & transport of your lightweight wrestling/cheer/gymnastics mats. Our Suples® MatShields are not just any ordinary mat cover. They are designed to protect both, the COMPETITION SURFACE AS WELL AS THE EXTERIOR of your mat. When your mat is rolled for storage, any dirt and/or debris stuck to the bottom (floor) surface of the mat now makes its way to the top (competition) surface.

Suples® MatShield design covers the entire top surface of the mat to PREVENT any transfer of the bottom dirt/debris as the mat is rolled for storage. This ensures a far more sanitary mat surface the next time the mat is unrolled for use.

Product Highlights

INNER cover to prevent dirt/debris from leaching onto the competition mat surface

OUTER cover to protect outside surface when the mat section is ready for storage

Attached CARRY handles to allow easy lifting and transport of the mat section

Stitched GRAB handles to allow maneuverability of the mat section

ATTACHED МАТ STRAPS on Outer Cover so you never have to worry about losing them

Sleek design that makes rolled mats "easier on the eyes" when stored in your gym

Fits all STANDARD Wrestling/Cheer/Gymnastic Mats.

Suples MatShield Wrestling Mat Cover FEATURES 4 Easy Steps