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Suples Sport


We are extremely excited and proud to announce that SUPLES CHAMPIONSHIPS are now OFFICIAL! These Championships first started off as the Bulgarian Bag Championships, which were created by the founders and owners of the Suples Training Center - Poland, Tomek Waśiñski, his wife, Aneta Waśiński, and their amazing Training Center Team! Tomek says that “the main purpose of these Championships was to create a goal for which all are passionate about to work towards,” and these Championships serve the purpose of creating exactly this type of competitive and goal-oriented environment! We are so proud of all that Tomek, Aneta, and their team have been able to achieve thus far by already successfully organizing Suples Championsh ips since 2021 in Kobylin, Poland, with absolutely phenomenal turnouts! We are also especially proud and grateful for the Head Suples Instructor in Poland, Lech LEON Kledzik. He played a huge role in sharing Suples within Poland, along with growing the community. LEON, has created such an immense and unforgettable impact, along with Ivan, Tomek, Aneta, and the Training Center Team.

The strength of the international Suples family is like no other. No matter who YOU are or WHERE you are from, if YOU enjoy training with the Suples equipment, then you are welcome as a part of our community! It is so remarkable to experience the growth of the Suples family and how working together, now gives us the opportunity to turn what was once a dream into a reality!

Suples Poland Team

Tomek Waśiński & Aneta Waśiński

Creaters of the Bulgarian Bag Championships & owners of Suples Training Center - Poland

Lech "LEON" Kledzik

Head Suples Instructor In Poland

At the Championships In November of 2022, there were 4 countries represented, Poland, USA, Bulgaria, and Hungary. Along with that, we had multiple people surpass their personal records and one HISTORIC record set by Magdalena Ivanova. She was the first female to compete In the EXTREME category and the first person to ever qualify 2 of the 5 exercises within the Bulgarian Bag Elite Standard in the EXTREME category, in turn making her a Bulgarian Bag World Champion!

Magdalena Ivanova

First Woman to compete In EXTREME Category

2022 Bulgarian Bag

World Champion

Simona Nenova is the FIRST WOMAN to qualify BBE within the Women's Suples Extreme Category. MANY competitors have chased this goal, ever since the very first Suples Championship years
 ago, but the record wasn't set until Simona achieved it on September 21st, 2024 at the Suples US OPEN Championship in Nampa, Idaho. Simona's results were the following: Suples Spin: 266, Swing Squat: 140, Snatch: 87, Squat and Press: 77, Suples Spin Arm Throw: 40, Total Reps: 610. Not only that, but at the US OPEN, Simona surpassed the men's results, which competed with the same weight of Bulgarian Bag as her. Simona's results will forever be remembered in Suples Championship History!

Simona Nenova

FIRST WOMAN to qualify BBE within the 
Women's Suples EXTREME Category
2024 Suples US Open Champion

Team Pomorie, Bulgaria  

Chung Mok Lee, the 2023 Men's Suples Extreme Bulgarian Bag World Champion from Team Suples Korea has also made an unforgettable history. Chung Mok was the VERY FIRST COMPETITOR to ever qualify as Bulgarian Bag Elite within the Suples Extreme Category!

His performance at the 2023 World Championships was like NO OTHER! He managed to qualify ALL 5 Disciplines within the Bulgarian Bag Elite Standard, something that has never been done in SUPLES HISTORY! In the process of achieving this, Chung Mok dominated the competition in his category against countries: USA, Bulgaria, Mexico, UK, and Ireland, all while maintaining an incredible, calm, and collected composure.

Chung Mok has INSPIRED many to push themselves, strive for their highest goals, and to challenge themselves even further.

Chung Mok Lee

VERY FIRST to qualify BBE within the
Suples EXTREME Category
2023 Bulgarian Bag

World Champion

Team Suples Korea 

Nikolay Vasilev, 2023 Bulgarian Bag World Champion, sets a WORLD RECORD as the VERY FIRST competitor to ever compete in TWO DIFFERENT categories in ONE DISCIPLINE, and to qualify BBE in BOTH.
Nikolay first competed in the Men's Suples Fit category and earned the gold and BBE, with a total of 778 reps. Only a couple of hours after that, Nikolay competed in the Men's Suples Strong category and qualified BBE with a total of 500 reps. Qualifying BBE in a single category itself is extremely challenging, and doing so in TWO CATEGORIES is absolutely incredible! Nikolay's record inspires others to continue pushing themselves past their limits. 

Nikolay Vasilev

THE FIRST to ever compete and QUALIFY BBE in
2024 Suples US Open Champion

Team Pomorie,  Bulgaria

Ultimately, we must thank and acknowledge the Founder of Suples and Inventor of the Bulgarian Bag, Ivan Ivanov, because, in reality, none of this would ever be possible if it weren't for him.

After experiencing the 2022 Bulgarian Bag Championships in Kobylin, Ivan said, "SUPLES is our way to connect with people who have the same interests, goals, and visions about the development of functional training. Through SUPLES, we have the opportunity to help others reach their goals and be successful in life".

Ivan Ivanov

Founder of Suples

Inventor of the Bulgarian Bag

Suples US Open Championship