(Standard USA sizes, unisex)
Must be at least 12 years of age by date of competition.
*Competitors must be 16+ to participate in the Suples VIB Discipline*
Perform as many reps of the following 5 exercises in the allotted time. Suples Spin, Swing Squat,
Suples Snatch, Squat Press & Spin-Arm Throw.
Team of 4 competitors race with the Suples Ball, Bulgarian Bag and Path Of Glory to finish with the
fastest time to win the title for what category.
Perform as many Suples Spins as possible without dropping the Bag.
Original Bulgarian Bag Discipline
1st place - Gold Medal + Bulgarian Bag (the weight you competed with)
2nd place - Silver Medal + $100 Gift Certificate
3rd place - Bronze Medal + $75 Gift Certificate
Team Award - $300 Gift Certificate
(Is awarded to the team with the most points. Each team member
contributes by their final results. Gold = 5pts, Silver = 3pts, Bronze 2pts, Bulgarian Bag Elite = 1pt)
Suples Ball, Path of Glory, and Bulgarian Bag Team Relay Discipline
1st place - Team Medal + $200 Gift Certificate
Suples VIB Discipline
Women's 1st place - 50lbs/22kg Bulgarian Bag + Suples Strong Champion T Shirt
Men's 1st place - 84lbs/38kg Bulgarian Bag + Suples Strong Champion T Shirt
Orig. Bulgarian Bag *Muscular Endurance Discipline
(Fill out this section if you are competing in the Original Bulgarian Bag Discipline.)
*Competitors competing in the Orig. Bulgarian Bag Muscular Endurance Discipline will receive a Suples
Bag including a t-shirt, massage ball, water bottle, towel, smartphone accessory, and more!*
Team relay
(Complete this section to register for the Team Relay)
*You must have 4 team members in order to complete registration.*
get your personal Suples US OPEN Championship
Suples US OPEN Championship "Photo Package" -
The “Photo Package” includes VIP access to ALL photos AND media collected from the event including YOU
on the BIG stage.
JLH.Media, the Official Photographer of the
Suples US OPEN Championship
will be capturing the competition from the front row and will offer you VIP access to the content!
These images are yours and must be chosen within 60 days of the event.
What you can use the photos for
Print(s) that you plan to GIVE to a sponsor, family member, or print for your home.
The web uses to promote yourself
You CANNOT use these images for resale or advertisement for other agencies without written permission.
- Ensure you have your Picture Pass bracelet visible at all times
- Look out for our photographer and SMILE
Capturing your action during the Orig. Bulgarian Bag, Suples VIB Challenge and your team’s action during the Suples Ball, Path of
Glory, and Bulgarian Bag Team Relay *Muscular Endurance Discipline
Exercise Release Form
competitor or guardian must complete the following exercise release from before beginning
the bulgarian bag championships
assumption of risk
Photography/Model Release Form
Warning! Where applicable, if you are under 18, you must be registered by a parent or
You must be the parent or legal guardian to register someone under 18 years old.
Total Price: