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Maya Tidhar

Location: Israel


Maya Tidhar is a fitness and Pilates instructor for more than 17 years. Sports and dancing was always her biggest love from a very young age. Her motto in life is: “No matter how strong you look from the outside; the real strength need to be inside”. And that’s the reason why she finds a lot of passion and an endless energy for SUPLES equipment- it’s functional training and combines a lot of movements. And the best of all is that all Suples equipment are coming with a programs, courses and challenge exercises, that helps improve the important areas: core & lower back, shoulders and grip strength.

She met SUPLES company in April 2015 at FIBO exhibition in Germany, and she fall in love for the first touch with the Bulgarian bag. After a few months, she opened the SUPLES Israel company. Maya was inspired and certified by the Inventor of the Bulgarian Bags, Ivan Ivanov, to Master Trainer Suples Strong level. She did suples fit – level 1 course for 3 times, and suples strong – level 2 course for 2 times. She has spent 17 days in Ivan’s Suples company and wrestling club in Boise USA, and learned everything she need to be a Suples pro trainer, and how to manage Suples company in Israel.

Over 2 years, Maya has coached martial soldiers and officers in Israel army. Her degrees and certifications include: TRX, Trigger Points therapy, Kinesio Tape therapy, indoor cycling, Pilates reformer and Springboard, aerobic dance and strength instructor, Justfit EMS master trainer and more.

She believes that SUPLES equipment and exercises are fit to not only elite athletes, but for general fitness trainees.

For more than 2 years, she is rocking Israel and makes everybody SUPLES STRONG!!!


Suples US Open Championship