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Upon completion of a Suples Training Systems® Course. You are now prepared to lead others to a higher level of fitness in a safe and effective manner using Suples Training Systems® brand exercise equipment.
Please note that as a Suples Training Systems® instructor you are not an agent, representative, partner, independent contractor, joint venturer, or employee of Suples Ltd., Suples Training Systems LLC or any other Suples-related entity. You have no authority to issue certificates or rankings associated with using any education or training program provided by Suples Training Systems® LLC in use of any Suples products.
Suples Training Systems LLC makes no representation that completion of any Suples Training Systems® Course qualifies you in any jurisdiction to work as a fitness instructor, personal trainer, or in any other similar occupation. You must comply with all laws and regulations in effect in your locality. Although the use of Suples Training Systems® brand exercise equipment is generally safe for persons of a sufficient level of fitness, any weight training involves risks, including severe injury and/or death, and any person should seek the advice of a doctor before beginning Suples Training Systems® training.
If you are otherwise qualified in your location to work as a fitness instructor, personal trainer, or in a similar occupation, you are hereby authorized to use certain registered trademarks of Suples only as follows:
You may hold yourself out to the public as the holder of which ever Suples Training Systems® Course you completed from Suples Training Systems LLC.
You may conduct workout sessions with Suples equipment from whichever Suples training Systems course you completed, at the time and place of your choosing, with no obligation to make additional payments to or share revenues with Suples Training Systems® LLC
You are expected to refrain from using imitation products of the Suples Training System LLC that you are certified. If you are seen sharing and or promoting imitation products, your certificate will be invalidated.
Suples Training Systems LLC, provided that you may only use the registered trademark Bulgarian Bag®/Suples® Ball in connection with such sessions if you use and provide to your participants only official Bulgarian Bag®/Suples® Ball branded products, manufactured by Suples Ltd.
You may not issue certificates, ranks, awards or other symbols of achievement, which use the trademarks Bulgarian Bag®, Suples® Ball or Suples® in any way.
You may not use the registered trademarks Bulgarian Bag®, Suples® Ball or Suples® in connection with the words “workshop,” “seminar,” “academy,” “boot camp,” or other words indicating extended training in Bulgarian Bag® techniques, without the express written permission of Suples Training Systems LLC.
You may not use the registered trademarks Bulgarian Bag®, Suples® Ball or Suples® in connection with any fitness-related class of two (2) or more consecutive hours without the express written permission of Suples Training Systems LLC.
* 1 The official Suples Training Systems CERTIFICATION LEVELS are described in more detail at page Course Levels.