School PO's Phone: (208)-362-4248 E-mail:, Address: 8534 W. Elisa St. Boise ID 83709, USA
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Bulgarian Bag Championship Registration Form

Bulgarian Bag Championship Registration Form

Deadline: August 12th

photo photo photo

(Standard USA sizes, unisex)

(Must be at least 12 year of age by date of competition) Must be born on or before 9/23/2011.

1st Place Award Crowned Bulgarian Bag King and Queen Champion, Leather Original Model Bulgarian Bag

2nd Place Award Vinyl Original Model Bulgarian Bag

3rd Place Award Canvas Original Model Bulgarian Bag

*$300 Suples Gift Card awarded to the Team with the most competitors.


The Award Ceremony will take place after all competitors have competed. The venue will have locker rooms with showers available for competitors to freshen up before receiving their hard earned awards on the podium.

Bulgarian Bag Elite Qualifiers will receive a “Bulgarian Bag Elite” Award during the award ceremony. We will also be presenting awards to unique individuals. Ones who stand out, who show up ready to compete and have fun!

photo photo photo

We understand life happens and plans can change. Please contact us and we will be happy to refund you. Please see the details below.

get your personal Bulgarian Bag Championship photos!

Bulgarian Bag Championship "Photo Package" - $15.00

The “Photo Package” includes VIP access to ALL photos AND media collected from the event including YOU competing on the BIG stage.
JLH.Media, the Official Photographer of the Suples Bulgarian Bag Championship will be capturing the competition from the front row and will offer you VIP access to the content!

  • These images are yours and must be chosen within 60 days of the event.
  • What you can use the photos for
    • Print(s) that you plan to GIVE to a sponsor, family member, or print for your home.
    • The web uses to promote yourself
  • You CANNOT use these images for resale or advertisement for other agencies without written permission.

  • Ensure you have your Picture Pass bracelet visible at all times
  • Look out for our photographer and SMILE

**The YES button will automatically add $15.00 to the total price of the registration.

Exercise Release Form

competitor or guardian must complete the following exercise release from before beginning the bulgarian bag championships

assumption of risk

Photography/Model Release Form

Warning! Where applicable, if you are under 18, you must be registered by a parent or guardian.


You must be the parent or legal guardian to register someone under 18 years old.

Total Price: