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Suples *Attacker -3 (Large)

With the use of the Suples Wall or Suples Frame the Suples Attacker 3 is designed for easy setup on both. The Attacker 3 can also be installed onto a pull-up bar or other exercise frames.
Improving Technical Skills and mechanics 
Suples Attacker 3 is designed for practicing the mechanics of the Back Step and Back Arch throwing techniques.
While doing the speedy drills on the Suples Attacker 3 the athletes can properly condition their bodies for better execution of specific techniques for wrestling, Judo, Sambo, and MMA.
Increases Volume of Reps
Suples Attacker 3 is made for faster reps execution without spending much time for a reset.
Body Conditioning 
The technique drills on the Suples Attacker 3 are also made to condition and properly prepare the muscles involved in specific techniques.
Home Use
Suples Attacker 3 can be the ideal back step and back arch partner always ready for your home use training.
Suples Attacker 3 is effective for ages 5 to the world level.
Elements of the Attacker 3:
•Attacker 3 Dummy
•4 resistance bands (3 attaching the upper body and 1 attaching on either side of the bottom of the dummy, resembling legs)
•5 velcro attachments 
3 carabiners
*Suples Wall is not included

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Dummies Size
Price $355.00
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**Only applies within the continental USA.