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Phantom Training Mask

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Take your Suples Training up a notch! In all sports and physical performance, breathing has a major influence on conditioning, concentration and accessing power peaks. Use the Phantom Training Mask & Suples Training Systems® to push the limits!"

The Phantom Training Mask will provide the most optimum results when combined with the follow Suples Training Systems :

  • Bulgarian Bag
  • Suples Ball
  • H.I.R.T.S.
  • Suples® Dummies
  • Gladiator Wall

Learn everything about the construction of the Phantom Training Mask!

Though working on your breathing is vital for your overall performance and well known in many traditional sports, the Phantom Training Mask is new and innovative for many athletes. Before starting your training, learn more about all the different components, how they intertwine and everything else you need to know about the Phantom Training mask.

The Phantom Training Mask consists of:

  • Cover
  • Phantom Regulation System (PRS)
  • Xhale Valve
  • Mask Body
  • Sleeve

Combined, these parts bring you a true innovative training device that allows you to train in four different resistance levels, which can easily be adjusted during training without taking off the mask. Switch levels at anytime to get the most out of your workout!

Once the outer package seal is broken on this item it is non-returnable due to health protection & hygiene reasons.

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Price $86.00