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Harness for Dummies

The Suples Dummy HARNESS is designed to fit each size and weight SUPLES DUMMY (Legs). We normally use the Suples Dummy HARNESS on our standard SUPLES DUMMY (Legs) because
of the extra weight they have. The Suples Dummy HARNESS can also be used on our even lighter
SUPLES SPEED DUMMY (Legs) to offer different types of training experiences & goals.

● Wrestlers can use the Suples Dummy HARNESS to work on stance, penetration, and explosive
lifting techniques.
● The Suples Dummy HARNESS is also very helpful to judo and Greco Roman athletes. They can drill
their backsteps and body attacks without fully executing throws in order to improve basic skills.
● MMA/Mixed Martial Arts fighters can drill punches and kicks on the dummy while it is hanging in a
Harness. The dummy is soft, flexible and durable enough to take hard punches and leg kicks. You
can safely practice all your striking techniques with full speed & force when using our Suples
Dummies & HARNESS without risk of injuring yourself or your partner!

Price $83.00